Monday, October 1, 2018

Cannon UV and High-Res

While the Dragon continues to make progress, I'm UVing and setting up the other elements of the cannon to be prepped and ready so that once we dive into Texture painting in earnest with Substance Painter everything will be ready.

Here's what I've got in the High Poly, I'll be tweaking this in the weeks to come to get it ready for the portfolio review but here's my first pass.

Dragon Cannon Wireframe sans the titular dragon, imagine a cannon with a rifle butt

Cannon poly groups, there's a number of divets into the cannon that were easy enough to extrude in, I imagine I'll be going back over those with Quad Draw to reduce poly count on my low res once I'm doing my final passes.

Canon UV Shells, generally split up to maximize the size available to the body of the cannon.
The Rifle Handle, adding a shell specifically for the elements of the brass cap at the base of the grip was important because i want to get enough UV to give it some nice metal textures and some cratches and dings for character.

The rifle UVs are a little ugly for now, I think I may end up splitting the rifle apart when I have to inevitably retopologize the whole thing.
The Firing Pin
Honestly I probably could have made this part of the cannon but I wanted to give it the opportunity to animate the cannon actually firing so I kept it separate.

I think I'll need to take another crack at these as well, while this object itself is pretty small, the way these UVs are laid out are just kinda ugly.  I'll talk with Nick in the coming weeks to get an idea of how to layout awkward objects like this in the future.

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